A little bit about me, what I do and how I came to study web development
I've got skills they're multiplying...
An uplifting positive affirmations app, making use of a production unsplash API to display random nature images with calming music. Deployed to Render with a custom domain.
A fun anagram game, which is like a cross between wordle and trackword.
A single page nature tours application using Block Element Model semantic HTML and node-sass preprocessor for styling.
A beautiful single page luxury home application making extensive use of CSS grid layout and and node-sass preprocessor for styling.
A workout tracker app using a third party geolocation API and displays a map using a leaflet library. ES6+ JS and classes.
An advanced menu application using ES6+ JS including classes, modules and async await to implement functionality such as pagination and bookmarks.
A large RESTful API campground application. Featuring authentication, star reviews, comments and working with mapbox API.
A single page responsive Travel site. CSS flexbox project.
An RGB guessing game, written with HMTL, CSS and vanilla JavaScript
A responsive marketing app for a bank written with HMTL, CSS and vanilla JavaScript. Features lazy image loading, tabs and sliders.
© Copyright 2022 by Naomi Sharp